20 Minute Boot Camp Workout

3 Quick Hitting, High Impact Boot Camp Workouts You Can Start Doing Today.

A 20 minute boot camp workout is great to have handy.  It’s even better to have a few different ones filed away in your brain to choose from.

These 20 minute workouts are easy to remember, adaptable to different fitness levels, and since they don’t require a gym or any machines, you can take them with you wherever you go.

When you are crunched for time, it is really easy to blow off the workout.  Knowing how to put together a hard hitting 20 minute workout keeps you moving and takes away a lot of that lack-of-time stress. 

Now you can feel good because you kept your schedule and you got your workout in.

For a lot of people, the goal is to exercise to burn fat.  That's what the boot camp workout is all about.  These workouts are designed to work different parts of the body and keep you moving. 

Another nice thing about a 20 minute workout like the ones below is you can increase or decrease the intensity as much as you need to.  If you are just starting out, do 10 pushups instead of 20.  If you are more advanced, do jump squats instead of regular air squats.

You can get a lot done in 20 minutes if you just get moving and keep moving.  So let's get started. 

Like the drill instructor says, "drop and give me 20".

Workout 1:

4 Sets:

Workout 2:

This is one of my favorite hotel workouts.  When I'm traveling, I almost always come back to this one at least once a week.

3 Sets:

  • Pushups until fail
  • Rest 1 minute
  • Pull Ups until fail
  • Rest 1 minute
  • Air Squats until fail
  • Rest 1 minute

Workout 3:

5 Sets:

The workouts above will build your strength and burn a lot of calories.  There's no question about that. 

If you want to take it to the next level and really put together some fat burning workouts, combine a 10 minute or 20 minute cardio workout with a 20 minute boot camp workout.

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