Handstand Pushup

The King of the Bodyweight Shoulder Exercises

The handstand pushup is hands down the ultimate bodyweight shoulder exercise.  This exercise makes an awesome shoulder workout. 

If you are not sure about these yet, work up to them.  It is actually a pretty big step in difficulty to go from the pike pushup to these.

Most people that do handstand push ups do them against the wall.  In other words, your feet are touching the wall to provide your balance in the handstand position. 

Some people like their back to the wall in the handstand position and some people like to face the wall.  That’s just personal preference.  You can do it whichever way you feel more comfortable getting up to the handstand position.

I like my back to the wall.  To me it’s easier to get into position that way rather than trying to walk up the wall.  But to each his own, right?

If you are new to these, just get into the handstand position against the wall and hold it for a while.  Get used to holding your own weight before trying to do the shoulder presses.


  • Start by facing the wall and standing 2 or 3 feet away from it. 
  • Bend down and plant your hands about 1 foot from the wall and kick the legs up to a handstand with your heels touching the wall.
  • Stabilize yourself and contract your core.
  • Start to lower yourself down in a controlled manner.  If you feel like you are losing control, don’t go deeper until you build up to it.  When you get to where your strength is failing, press back up.
  • Start a little bit at a time if you have to.
  • Press back up until your arms are straight. 
  • Stabilize and make yourself ready to lower again.

Keep In Mind...

  • Warm the shoulders up before doing these.  Do some full rotations with the arm straight and the arm bent.  Do several rotations in both directions.
  • Keep the core engaged and contracted. 
  • Do not let your back arch.  Keep yourself in a straight line.


Raise the hands off the floor.

Use handles to raise your hands off the ground so you can increase your range of motion.  You will be able to lower your head below the level of your hands.  The range of motion with your hands on the floor isn’t very much, so this will add a lot to the exercise.

Whatever you decide to use, make sure your hands are on a VERY stable handle or platform.  


If you can do handstand pushups using the rings, you are either an Olympic gymnast or a true veteran of Crossfit.

Claps (seriously)

Another one I’ve seen is a handstand pushup with a clap. Now THAT takes confidence. There is only one way you can possibly land if you screw that up. 

If you are at that level, you're Spider Man.  You got the job.

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