McGill Curl Up

Build Your Abs, Protect Your Spine

The McGill Curl Up is a phenomenal ab and core exercise that probably won’t see anybody doing in your gym.  It works the six pack muscles in your abs while putting minimal stress on the spine. 

Crunches and sit ups require you to round your lower back repeatedly. This can contribute to lower back problems over time or aggravate existing conditions.

This exercise, on the other hand, is an exercise named after Stuart McGill, PhD, a prominent spinal researcher. This exercise works your entire core muscle complex while keeping your back in a naturally arched position. That minimizes the stress on your spine while increasing the endurance of your abdominal muscles. 

Believe it or not, your abdominals have a job beyond making you look good.  The real job of your abdominals and entire core muscle complex is to stabilize your spine.  They are the reason you can keep your torso upright.  And a strong core leads to a stable spine, and a stable spine leads to a spine free of lower back pain.

And if you end up looking good by strengthening your abs using McGill Curl Ups?  Even better!


  • Lie on your back on the floor.
  • Keep your right leg straight and flat on the floor
  • Bend your left knee to about a 90 degree angle and position your left foot flat on the floor.
  • Put your palms on the floor underneath the natural arch of your back.
  • Brace your abs like you’re about to get punched in the gut.  Just brace them.  Don’t suck them in or push them out.
  • Breathe deeply and slowly raise your head and shoulders off the floor without bending your lower back.
  • Hold this position for 6 to 8 seconds.  That’s enough time for a few deep breaths.
  • Do the number of reps you want, then switch legs. Start with 4 to 6 reps.

Keep In Mind...

  • Don’t flatten your back.
  • Don’t tuck your chin or poke it out.  No upper spine motion should occur.
  • Don’t hold your breath.  Breathe deeply throughout the movement.
  • Make sure you only raise your head and upper shoulders off the floor.


  • To make the McGill curl up harder, raise your elbows off the floor while you curl up.

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